Ordained to the ministry in 1984, and as Lead Pastor in 1994. Dennis and Amanda were married in 1978, and are blessed with four children and seven grandchildren.
“The hand of our God has been upon us…” Ezra 8:22 Just as Ezra reminded the children of Israel as they were building the physical temple in Jerusalem for their worship and as identification of where they stood with God, there will be times of discouragement and opposition from the enemies without and within, Despite that, Israel preserved and continued to build, resulting in “celebration and rejoicing with great joy, for the Lord made them joyful” Ezra 6.
Likewise, we at Gospel Haven, we at Gospel Haven must recognize it is God’s grace, love, and mercy that has enabled us to enjoy koinonia (Greek word meaning fellowship, association, community, communion, joint participation) fellowship and worshipping together in peace and harmony, and also filling our hearts with great joy from the Lord.
Let’s continue “seeking of God the right way for us and for our families to live”…Ezra 8:21, using God’s Word as our guide “for these things are written that ye may believe, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that believing ye might have life in his name”… John 20:31, and ultimately enjoying eternal life in heaven. – Pastor Dennis