Ordained as an Assistant Pastor in 2005, and as Lead Pastor in March of 2015. Sam & Ruby were married in 1990, and are blessed with 5 children.
As I sit and ponder on the present, my mind goes to Paul’s words in II Corinthians 4:16 “For this cause (the cause of Christ) we faint not, but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.”
Renewing our inward man, day by day, is a challenge for all of us, including myself! Many people over-exaggerate yesterday, overestimate tomorrow and underestimate today.
Begin today by renewing your inner man with God’s Word! Today is the most important day of your life, yesterday is past, it’s gone forever you cannot change it or go back to it, but you can learn from it, and improve to by what you’ve learned, Today is what God has entrusted to us, let’s use all our gifts and abilities God has given us to impact people’s lives and bring honor and glory to God.
In Ephesians 5:1 we are told to be followers or imitators of God. If all of us do our best today, to be imitators of God, we can have a positive impact on our families, clients, and associates, or whoever we rub shoulders with. Then we can look back at the end of the day with satisfaction, at that which we have done, and look to improve our tomorrow, with God’s help! Always remember that our ultimate purpose in whatever we do is to bring honor and glory to God.
– Pastor Sam